Territorial Area: 101.141 km2
Population: 218.234 residents
Interesting places for tourism:
Playa Hermosa (Beautiful Beach)
Playa del Coco (Coco Beach)
Santa Cruz
Golfo de Papagayo (Papagayo Gulf)
Barra Honda National Park
Palo Verde National Park
Rincón de la Vieja National Park
Santa Rosa National Park
Guanacaste National Park
The big province of Guanacaste embellishes and decorates the rest of the country. Among its beautiful beaches and locations, the national and international tourist enjoy of the profusion of natural beauty that interlace with the fantasy that the sun offers in a world created for the total enjoyment satisfying from the most demanding person until the simplest person who wants to enjoy in a good way of the nature full of sun.
The pampas of Guanacaste gifts to the visitors the tropical delights that few places can reach out of Costa Rica. Unique gifts of nature are: its beaches, plains, and rivers, all made in agreement with people that are waiting for you.
To list the beaches of Guanacaste would be endless, but it cannot leave mentioning the famous and crowded beaches of Sámara , Tamarindo, Conchal, Panamá and the unforgettable Coco Beach, which has reached fame and affection of the Costa Ricans that have and offer songs, poems in honour of them.
In its majestic Guanacaste combines its folklore attractions, traditions and food that rescue the past of Costa Rica. Among its settlements, it is located the center of the Indian art Guaitil, historical national place where the stronger Indian tribe lived long time ago, also Liberia -the famous white city where in a strategic point the tourist can contact to different and beautiful beaches without comparison.
The Santa Rosa National Park remembers to whole country the jealousy of Costa Ricans before an invasion, that without organized army defended the sovereignty and peace that Costa Rica enjoy plentifully today.
Hotels, cabins, nightclubs and centers, restaurants and accommodations located at Guanacaste, offering a package of special activities for people who want to exalt its adventurous spirit.